Laguna Winter

It was a dark and stormy night this New Year’s Eve, like really dark and really stormy. A howling wet mess — the sun shades on the porch swelled up with the wind like sails till the cables holding them to the house snapped and the weighted bar banged the column in a terrible racket. The water sprayed onto the porch all night long, seeping into the floor and into the basement room below, which was already flooded.

I have Covid. Ade has Covid. Not ideal, obviously, but whatever. Mostly I’m annoyed that this stupid thing is still around. We’re getting better. Gus is fine. Onward.

The sea was angry that day, and we were barely keeping it together, for that matter. Happy New Year!

Laguna Winter

It was a dark and stormy night this New Year’s Eve, like really dark and really stormy. A howling wet mess — the sun shades

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